What is this about?

These notes relate to an experimental mailing list that has not gone "live", the preference being for use of conventional "BCC" lists or other methods such as WhatsApp. However other groups may be interested in having a similar system set up for them. Email '''webmaster at woodhouse-eaves dot co dot uk''' for information.

'''mclist@woodhouse-eaves.co.uk''' is an email address intended for use exclusively by members of the local Methodist congregation. Please see '''Status''' below.

How does it work?

Emails sent to '''mclist@woodhouse-eaves.co.uk''' are sent on to each email address on the list. There are only a few people on it at present to see if the way it works is satisfactory.

The email address used is not cast in stone and could be changed to either

  • (something)@woodhouse-eaves.co.uk or to
  • (something)@rural-web.me.uk


Emails could contain personal and confidential information so access to them needs to be controlled. Though no messaging system is totally secure - heard of WikiLeaks?? - this one should be adequate:

  • It is intended, and from an initial test appears to be the case, that only members of the group can send messages through it. This means that the list cannot be "spammed" from outside.
  • There is no external access to the content of messages sent via the list (unless, of course, a member of the list publishes it!)


At present the list is for demonstration and testing purposes only and has a limited number of addresses on it.

Replies to and comments on messages received.

Mailing systems do not all deal with messages sent via the list in the same way though most will probably show a message as being From: the originator (possibly with a note such as "via woodhouse-eaves.co.uk") and as being To: mclist@woodhouse-eaves.co.uk

Clicking "Reply" will probably give you a "compose" window with the originator's email as the destination. If you want your reply to go to the list then replace that with mclist@woodhouse-eaves.co.uk

Alternatively just start a new message, perhaps with the same subject line, or use "Forward" - in both cases with To: mclist@woodhouse-eaves.co.uk

Anything else?

Feel free to chat with Richard B.