Woodhouse Eaves Horticultural and Craft Show

'''Content for 2014 awaited. Everything here is provisional.'''
Home pageTimetableShow classes'''Rules and Hints'''
Trophies awardedDownloadsAbout the ShowContact us

Show rules

You may download the rules and hints as PDF documents from the Downloads page.
  1. All classes are open to both female and male exhibitors, apart from Class 79 (Women Only) and Classes 76, 77, 78, and 81 (men only)
  2. Exhibits MUST be the product of the house/garden/allotment of the exhibitor.
  3. Staging of exhibits may start at 8.30am and MUST BE COMPLETED by 11am, with an entry fee of 50p per exhibit for adults (maximum of £10)  Children's entries are free unless entering adult classes
  4. Exhibitors to provide their own containers and plates. Exhibitors' adhesive numbers should be clearly visible, particularly in the culinary classes. They should '''NOT''' be fixed to the cling film, but on '''TOP''' edge of plate or dish. Vases supplied for all cut flower exhibits.
  5. Village Hall exhibits SHALL NOT be removed before 5pm.  Those remaining '''after 5.30pm''' will be deemed a gift and sold for Show funds.
  6. Any exhibitor wishing to lodge an objection may do so to any Committee Member before 3pm with a fee of £5, refunded if the complaint is upheld. The decision of the Committee is final.
  7. Prize money for adult classes (1 - 95), may be collected from the Treasurer in the Village Hall between 5pm and 5.30pm.  Money not claimed will be deemed a donation to the Charities.  '''Children's Trophies and prize money will be presented in the Annexe at 4.15pm.'''
  8. Points awarded 1st=3pts   2nd=2pts   3rd=1pt
  9. Judges may withhold any prize from any Class where they consider that there are insufficient entries or that the exhibits are of insufficient merit or quality to justify awards.
  10. Pre-school children are those aged 4 years and under. Younger Children are those aged 10 years and under. Older Children are those aged 13 years and under. Judges take children's age into consideration.
  11. Garnishing of exhibits with parsley or foliage is allowed. A black base cloth is also permitted.
  12. The Committee are not responsible for the loss or damage to any exhibit.
  13. In the Vegetable Section only one entry in each Class is allowed from a family.
  14. Exhibits that have previously won a prize in this Show cannot be re-entered. However, if you have previously entered an item in the Craft or Children's sections, and it did not win a prize, then it may be entered in the Show again.
  15. The Allotment Prize-winner is not eligible to win again for the following year.
  16. Viewing of the exhibits by the public is from 2pm to 5pm.  Admission: Adults 50p, Children free.
  17. Trophies to be held for one year.

Hints for exhibitors

ALWAYS take more exhibits to the Show than you will need, then choose the best just before you stage your entry.

Remember CONDITION AND UNIFORMITY. Every exhibit should be in its most perfect phase and uniformity in shape, size and condition.

CHECK CAREFULLY that you have the correct number of items as required by the Schedule.

ALL FRUIT must be shown with stalks intact and 'bloom' left on the fruit. Never polish apples or potatoes.

STALKS should be intact on vegetables like peas, beans and fruits eg. Blackberries

WINE must be shown in clear, shouldered bottles fitted with a flanged cork or screw cap.  A small, simple label should show contents and year.

JARS AND BOTTLES must be clear glass with no commercial markings - lids also. Jars should be clean, free from stickiness and well-polished. All jars/bottles should be labelled with contents and date. Labels should be neat and applied as near to the bottom of the jar as possible.

VINEGAR preserves - do not use cellophane covers. Use a twist or screw-tops with plastic linings.

LEMON CURD should have a cellophane cover.

POTATOES - Ideal size approx. 8 oz., to fit in the palm of hand.

ONIONS should never be stripped or peeled but never left with their skins on and can be whipped with non-coloured raffia. Judges preferred well dressed onions (Class No. 30)

SHALLOT - Exhibition varieties will beat culinary varieties. Displayed on a sand bed.

CABBAGE - Should be tidied up a little with stalk but not 'ready for the pot.'

FIVE VEGETABLES IN A SEED TRAY. The vegetables should be trimmed to fit inside the tray.

FLOWERS must be in water. HOUSE PLANTS should have been owned for 6 months.

DO ALLOW PLENTY OF TIME TO STAGE YOUR EXHIBITS.  Avoid that last minute rush by completing your entry form at home.

EXHIBITORS' adhesive numbers should be clearly visible, particularly in the culinary classes. They should NOT be fixed to the cling film, but on the edge of plate or dish.

BEETROOT should be trimmed to 7.5cm approximately and presented on a plate or board.

YOUNGER CHILDREN are welcome, and encouraged, to enter the classes for older children. ALL CHILDREN'S entries are free but must pay if they enter any of the adult classes.

TARTS have no pastry on top but PIES do.

VICTORIA SPONGE to be filled with raspberry jam with caster sugar (optional) on top but not icing sugar.

''A booklet 'Hints and Tips on Exhibiting', by Leicester and Leicestershire Judges' Guild is available for reference by phoning 89xxxx''

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